10 questions you should ask to find out how much the resources (also known as waste) you produce are worth

Waste is valuable. Moreover: it is cheaper to capitalize on its benefits than it is not to. Today, we as people, as cities, as countries and as a planet produce waste. But we also let it go to waste. We receive more and more warnings from the media that point out that we are doing something wrong in how we manage waste if, as we already mentioned, more than 50% of our waste ends up in the dump. This doesn’t even include an alarming number of illegal dumps that have been discovered, nor that haven’t, those that exist without anyone ever having reported them. Without management, these resources damage the environment and also cause us to lose money.

Waste, before reaching a plant or a dump, is of course generated in our houses, offices, streets and industries. It is time to understand that when we produce waste, we generate resources, provided that they are derived from management models optimised to recover its value. We now present you with a small questionnaire in which we ask you about the waste you produce: it doesn’t matter if the respondent is an average citizen, a company or even a large city. Our circumstances make our waste unique, and it is important to identify them to know how much our waste is worth:


1.- Which kind of waste to you produce the most of?

2.- How many bags of rubbish do you produce every day?

3.- Do you recycle or sort any of the waste?

4.- Do you live in a city, town or outlying house?

5.- Do you live near the sea or the mountains?

6.- How often do you shop at large shopping centres?

7.- Do you consume local or ecological products?

8.- Who is in charge of waste collection in your community or household?

9.- How much tax to you pay for collection?

10.- How far away is the closest treatment plant or dump?

As part of Waste to Cash, we have used this same system of questions to develop a specific app for assessing and achieving better and more profitable treatment plants. If you are a stakeholder in the sector, don’t hesitate to enter and answer each of the questions we have posed. This will help us develop a customised solution for the value that your resources, also known as waste, can generate.